New Valentines Day Merch!

New Valentines Day Merch!

It’s cute and full of tentacles! Tastes just like chocolate! >_>

By Alanna Harpsong

Hello everyone! Hopefully your new year has started off well. So far so good for the studio. Though I’m pretty sure my brain is still somewhere in 2021 still rolling around. It’ll catch up eventually.

While I’ll be the first to admit that I love Halloween and it’s the only holiday I really enjoy anymore. However some people seem to like this valentines day thing. So I was unusually inspired to do something for Valentines Day. Now… if we start including real tentacle monsters, I might be persuaded to start celebrating again!

If I opened a box of chocolates and found this little one, I’d be delighted.

To the hell with chocolates! Give me Tentacles!

There are shirts, mugs, stickers and more. Pop on over to our studio shop and pick this little one up. They’re not going to be around forever.

Like this shirt!

There’s also a lot of other wonderful merch in our shop. Nova’s Guitar Cat Girl, my Audio Ghost.

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