Studio News

Studio News

And some cute sticker designs.

By Alanna Harpsong

We’ve been quite busy working on The Cat House comic as well as things for the game. Progress has come along greatly. We’ve just finally finished posting volume 3 of the comic. We’re well on our way with volume 4. Which you can anticipate coming out in February. Starting on the first Friday the 7th. We will continue our normal routine of releasing a new page every Friday until we run out of pages. This one’s pretty long at 30 pages. It’s also a pretty special one. The introduction of a new character as well as being sponsored by one our wonderful fans.


With the new volume we’ll also be re-launching our Patreon. This will be a great way that you can help support us in making more content as well as scoring some goodies for yourself. Patreons will get to see the comic pages as well as the other art we are working on before we release it to the general public. Nova and Alanna will be alternating doing a monthly pin-up that Patreons will receive copies of. Certain Patreons will get to vote on the pin-up. Might be the theme that we’ve chosen, or characters. Certain Patreons will get to peek into the studio as well as getting to see more in depth the progress of our visual novel.

We also have our eyes on a couple of conventions later in the year. Much to still be determined about them. When we know more of what we’re actually able to achieve, you’ll know. But we’re starting to build up some stock to hopefully have for a table. These little guys above are turning into some pretty cute fucking stickers.


Just wanted to give a general update.

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